This is some kind of grand arch that's close to the area where we're staying. It's not THE arch, just one that I happened upon on a walk around the neighborhood. They seem to really like them here.
Joe and his sister, Lessie, got here yesterday at about 5:00 pm. I met them at the train station, and brought them back to Bonnie Wooley's apartment where we're staying. Thank you again, Bonnie, for being so generous with your living space.
We did manage to get out last night, but it was raining and very windy and cold, so not the best weather to wander around town. In fact, it's about the worst weather, and we almost froze. Still, we managed to make a glancing blow at Notre Dame (it was closed by then) and then got on a tour bus to get out of the rain, but the windows were so fogged over that we really couldn't see out. It was all pretty funny, really, but at least we weren't being rained on.
We figured out the Metro and will be able to get around without too much trouble, so I'm sure we'll be out and about again soon. I don't think it's raining so much today, but there's no sun that I can see.
That's about the only picture I took yesterday because I didn't want to get the camera wet. I did manage to recharge my phone for Paris, and the new number is: 06 70 91 09 44 Not that I expect anyone to call, but you could if the need were to arise.

This is back in Novi Sad. I had been working on the piano and was just finishing up when a class came it to rehearse. They sang for me and I took a picture of them and was going to upload it here, but I lost it somehow, so to heck with it. After I took their picture the instructor nicely asked if I wanted her to take one of me. I of course said yes, and this is it.
Here's a notice I found on the Blogger site and it answers some questions I've had about why some people couldn't get onto the site.
"Monday, March 06, 2006
Some users are currently getting "403 Forbidden" errors when viewing their blogs, and "Permission Denied" errors (or variations thereof) when publishing. We're restarting some machines right now and things should be working again very soon.Update: This has now been fixed. If you still encounter problems, please clear your browser's cache and cookies, then give it another shot."
1 comment:
For those who like to hit it long, the Burner could be the pick because its elongated shape moves the center of gravity farther from the face and improves stability, known as moment of inertia (MOI). beachJ. Tiger Woods is an incredible golfer, probably the best ever. They're very calculating, technical people.
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