The life and times of Danny Lyons. This is mainly so my family can keep up with me and see pictures as I put them up.

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Still Sunday morning

I stood in the middle of the Champs Elysees to take this. It's early Sunday morning so not much traffic just now. Recognize the landmark ahead? We saw it briefly one night earlier this week, but it was blowing heavy rain and freezing cold so we didn't spend much time there or get to go up on top which is supposed to be a sight to behold. Bonnie was nice enough to take me on a short sightseeing tour this afternoon, and one of the main things I wanted to do was to take an auto tour around the Arch d Triomphe but I didn't even suggest it because we were all so tired from the late concert last night and early morning today. Next time.

This is the American Church in Paris where I played this morning. It's beautiful, it's old, it's the first American organization established outside American soil, and it was GREAT to be there. I played three pieces and I was so very honored that Fred Gramman played the piano for me. Those of you in the music world probably know what an honor that was.
Not a word of French was spoken during the service, and I knew every part of the service as if it had been one in Pensacola. I was so very relieved that I could speak to anyone there in my native tongue. If you look closely in the very bottom right hand corner you can see the top of the Eiffel Tower.

I had a short amout of time to walk around before it was time for me to show up at the church, so I walked down to the Eiffel Tower since it was just a few blocks away. What an incredible thing!

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In concert

In concert

About Me

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Danny is the Steinway piano technician and head of the piano technology department of Dollarhide Music and Sound, specializing in tuning and rebuilding the Gulf Coast's finest pianos and harpsichords, including antique restoration of such historical pianos as the Steinway in the Mississippi Governor's Mansion and the 1850 square grand piano in the Oakleigh House in Mobile. Danny is the area's concert tuner for both the Mobile and Pensacola Symphonies, The University of West Florida, Pensacola Junior College, and numerous artist series throughout the area including the prestigious "Music at Christ Church" series. In his 32 year career as a piano technician, he has prepared pianos for the area concerts of numerous celebrities, including Ella Fitzgerald, Bob Hope, Izsac Perlman, Harry Connick, Jr., Barry Manilow, Roger Williams, Peter Nero, Lou Rawls, Garrison Keiler's "A Prairie Home Companion", and many others. In 2004 he was commissioned to rebuild a Steinway in Novi Sad, Serbia/Montenegro, and traveled there and spent a month in the country on that project. In 2006 he was invited back to Novi Sad as a solo handbell artist.